Research Module

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For the research module I have started researching acting from the eBook Animation Tips and Tricks By Shawn Kelly.

I looked through the Acting sections in the Animation Tips and Tricks volume one and volume two where I actually learnt a far bit which I didn't neccessary think about in terms of context. 'Interior monologue' caught my eye the most. Now, this isn't animating the subtext but it is animating the thought process with no dialogue. An example from the eBook shown below...

'Let’s say that in the scene, a man and a woman are arguing, and he’s jealous of the way she’s been flirting with a friend. Her line is “I love YOU,” with the emphasis on “you.” So we know that what she means is “I don’t love him, I love you.” When you are animating to that line, you could say that the monologue is “I love YOU,” and the *interior monologue* is “I don’t love HIM! How could even think that? Don’t you even know me?”- animation tips and tricks volume two.

This is extremely important to create a persuaive character animation, by making the auidence know what emotion the character is feeling and thinking through body language and movements.

I also found facial performance animating interesting, explaining animating the body and the eyes. Below is a reference from the eBook...

'If you animate a great body performance with great eye animation, that performance is going to read perfectly, regardless of whether or not you have a full facial rig towork with. This shows the importance of the eyes over the rest ofthe face, but that’s not to say that you shouldn’t take great care
in the creation and choice of your facial expressions.'

I plan to research interior monolgue in detail as this would be something to focus on for thr artefacts after christmas.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.