Break Down!

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Week one
As mentioned in another blog, week one was simply being put into groups of five or six and then given specific roles to work together as a team for the short film. My role was the sound and production designer. It was important for me to research my role, as I only knew a little about it.

After sorting out the groups, each group was given a script to work from. Ours was called 'Ticket'. It wasn't too long and we could also change things slightly if we wanted. We all had a look at the script and came up with ideas that we could use to make the film interesting. Phil the lecturer, also showed everyone some examples of short films so we could look at how they use camera angles, lighting and sound.

We then went on to combining everyone’s ideas in our group and starting to plan a written and illustrated story board so everyone knows what is happening when filming. We also planned a short presentation to show next week, to outline what our film was going to be about.

From week one to week two, I went on to research sound and production design so I would have a full understanding of the two roles. On previous blogs I have written about the research I found.

Week two
In week two each group presented to everyone, what there film is about i.e. genre, what the characters are like and how the film will be filmed i.e. shots, techniques, sounds and effects. This gave Phil a clearer outline about how our ideas have been put together and he then helped us with any parts we might have been unsure about.

In Friday’s seminar we were introduced to Frame Forge and Celtex. Celtex is used to plan out what we will need to bring to when filming and who will need to bring them. Frame Forge is a programme to show the scenes throughout a film much clearer than being hand drawn. Everyone in our group had a go at using these two programmes, which we therefore created a more detailed storyboard.  

We also made a plan on excel of what needs to be done from week two to week three. I was in charge of producing the sound treatment for the film.  

Week three
Week three was thinking about the pre-production of our film. We had to make sure we had everything we needed before jumping into filming. This is important so you and the team are certain what is going to happen on the day of filming and how long, approximately it is going to take. This includes, storyboards, script, equipment, risk assessment forms, permission for filming at the chosen location, lease form, sounds, actors, props, costume and other safety equipment such as shelter for the equipment if it rains on the day.

In the second seminar we all discussed composition with Deborah and then practiced using these techniques ourselves within our groups. We also experimented with different ways to shoot i.e. filming walking backwards, which was about timing and balance. After having a better understanding of different techniques we went onto manipulating our storyboard slightly, as a group. We then all planned days for filming during week four, which we then emailed the equipment store to book what we needed to film.

Week four
During week four we started filming. The equipment we used was a HDV video camera, sound microphone, tripod and a reflector. The filming went well and the lighting outside was good for the shots. In the seminars in week four, we watched a few short films to show other edits and then I and the editor (Sam) started to edit the film ourselves. We got feedback in both seminars and went from there.

When we were editing the film we thought it would work well adding a few more shots into the film, therefore we arranged to film during week five.

Week five
We filmed our last few shots in week five, which was our final week of moving image. After filming I and Sam started to edit and add sound into the edits. This took longer than we thought because we had many effects to add into the film. I helped Sam edit the film as I am the sound designer and I made sure the sound was clear to hear especially the dialog and made sure the music fitted well with each scene.

Finally when we finished our edit we went on the exporting the film which took the P**S....

(We will upload our film onto Vimeo and write a 500 word evaluation by Tuesday 15th Feb)


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.