Research Module

15:39 0 Comments

For Artefact one I have began blocking the key poses within the scene. Rough development shown below...

block01 from Alyssa Brookes on Vimeo.

I'm currently working on more poses within the scene including the facial expressions. Lately I have read a lot of forums on animation workflows in Maya and a couple of them mention their animations messing up when they switch to animating in splines, so I am trying to understand all of that as I am all new (ish) to this. Confusing, but I will blog anything that I find useful along the way.

A guy I follow on Twitter called Bryn Richards (graduate from iAnimate) blogged about his Animation Workflow. It's a bit lengthy but really inspiring and makes you think differently. Checkkkk it...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.