The Chess Player

05:43 0 Comments

Over the past six weeks, I worked on the animation project ‘The Chess Player’. This involved, designing, modelling and animating a self defeating robotic chess game, mainly focusing on your animating skills. Throughout the six weeks we were taught how to model, rig, texture and light our environment. From that we then had to create our own model and environment from our designs.

Firstly I started off creating full robot (as you can see from recent on my blogs). Although this didn’t work quite as much as I would have liked it too, so I changed my design and produced a robotic arm. However I decided to stick with the chess board and chess pieces that I had originally designed and modelled.
I started off designing my robot arm from sketches /drawings and then began modelling it in 3Ds Max. It didn’t take me long to model and rig the arm, I would say about four hours at the most. This was because I’d already learnt everything whilst creating my robot beforehand.

I then gave myself a few days to begin animating the robotic arm, so I had enough time to edit bits if needed. The storyboard I designed made me believe that the animation would last approximately two minutes at the most, so I made sure I had the camera angles set up so I could animate the different shots together. I would say I took about one and half days to animate, texture and light the scene. This meant I had time to render the different shots and then edit in Adobe PremierePro.
Towards the end when finalising the project I had difficulty with exporting in PremierePro. When I began  exporting it would stop several times and come up with ‘error’ on the screen, I tried many ways to fix this such as deleting files for more space on my hard drive, using a different computer, saving it to a different area but then luckily it was successful and exported with no problem. I thought this was a bit strange because I did a test of the start of my animation and that exported with no problem. This is something I need to take into consideration when exporting my files in the future.

I also had a problem with the video size. It exported out at 1920x1080 when I rendered it at 1280x720. I think this is also down to PremierePro and I might have exported differently. Overall I need to get to know PremierePro at lot more fluently. Therefore I will do this before finalising my next project, so I can use it confidently throughout my work.

During the six weeks on this project I have learnt a great amount of skills in 3Ds Max such as, modelling, texturing, lighting, rigging and animating. This project was definitely very beneficial for me and I enjoyed every minute of it. I have also realised whilst working on this project that I have become very passionate about the animating aspect of the project and it has made me certain that I would like to focus on developing my skills to become an animator in the future. I do also enjoy the modelling aspects of the projects but I love animating and I could do it all day long if need be.

Overall this project had been a great experience for me and I am especially looking forward to the next animation project.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.