External Client- Animator Feedback

09:58 0 Comments

Throughout all my projects I have always tried to get as much feedback as possible. For this I keep in touch with a professional working animator in the industry. Where he has given me loads of tips with animating and spends a lot of effort to give me as much constructive criticism as possible. Therefore, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for him to oversee my client project, especially since I am working on a competition brief.

To start I emailed him the brief, my ideas and storyboard and he came back with the feedback shown below:


As from what I can see, your ideas seem like it would work well in terms of showing personality. I feel you need to make sure you focus more on the animating rather than the visuals from what I have read off the brief. Your second storyboard works a lot better in developing a story. I look forward to seeing your progress and if there is anything else I can help you with then let me know.

Yes, it’s always a good idea to get feedback from folk who aren't animators. They don’t know the technicalities of how it works so they can see it as an audience would and point out different things.

Great work on the other animation, the most important thing is to constantly be improving and making mistakes. That way you get to make less and less mistakes as time goes by. I’m really glad my advice helped you, honestly I’m flattered that you even asked for my opinion. Blocking is tons of fun, it gives you a lot more room to push and focus on posing.

Illusion of Life is excellent. I’m currently reading it for the first time despite having owned it for years. It’s a mammoth of a book and is taking me some time as I’m not exactly the fastest reader.

Take care


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.