One Shot Film!

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To begin One Shot Film, we were put into groups of four and given a brief for the project called ‘You Decide’. In the first week we made a practice one shot film that lasted one minute. We were given two areas where we could film, the grave yard or the auditorium. When thinking of rough ideas for our practice film, we decided to use the auditorium. Before filming we came up with a storyline, this was basically a tramp sat on a bench, then along comes a posh lady and sits next to the tramp. The tramp the walks away and the posh lady drinks the alcohol. After thinking of the storyline, we thought of different ways to how we could stand and move the camera, but only once. In the end we came to a decision which was starting off with the camera zoomed onto a bottle of vodka and then the camera zooms out onto the scene. We thought this would work well, as the audience could then realise what the prop was and grasp what kind of character the person acted who was holding the vodka.

For this we created a risk assessment. This included who could possibly be affected in the activity, but not only the people you’re working with. It also involves the general public and any other individuals. We also had to think about vulnerable people such as children and people with disabilities. As a result, we produced a risk assessment before undertaking the practice film.
We used a tripod and a panasonic video camera for the task. However we could only pan/zoom the camera once and the camera could not be moved or stopped at any time.
After a few attempts, we were happy with our outcome and went to edit the practice one shot using Adobe Premiere Pro. We presented our film to everyone and gathered feedback on what they liked and how it could be improved. From that, we could then take it into consideration when filming our final one shot film. For our final one shot film we can choose our own location and any storyline, hence the title ‘You Decide’ which I am looking forward to working on.

Practice One Shot Film:


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.