My Station Ident!

12:17 0 Comments

Over the past three weeks, I was commissioned to produce a thirty second station ident using 3D Studio Max. The ident had to be about you, for example your facebook, twitter or anything you enjoy, which then merged together to create an ident for your own TV channel.
Throughout the three weeks, we have had seminar lessons to learn 3D Studio Max. At first I thought it was difficult to get the hang of but with the understanding of the programme from the seminars, I was then able to learn some more techniques from tutorials on YouTube which helped me a lot.
For inspiration, I firstly looked at all the BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4 idents to give me a few ideas. However I tend to be inspired by bright colours and cartoon styles in most work I do, which I thought would be great for this project. Therefore I researched various idents and clips with the similar styles to give me an insight for my own station ident.
(In the bibliography at the bottom are some links to my inspiration)

On the internet there is a lot of discussion whether tropes used in media are good or bad. My understanding of tropes is what TV writers, directors, actors and etc, use to control the audiences outlook. Tropes are often used to show fiction, which helps us to not just focus on the reality in life, which is why people think badly about different tropes they have seen.
Looking at semiotics and genre in some of the clips on the internet, I thought would be good to use these within my work to create something relatively abstract. This would most likely catch the audience’s attention to a large extent.

From researching and developing some inspiration, I came up with a few designs that I sketched. I then had to take into consideration, my ability of skills using 3D Studio Max to which I then finally came up with a completed design for my station ident. My final design is basically, a bright blue sky with clouds as the background, with bright bold letters ‘ADB’ which are my initials and then a bumble bee which fly’s around the screen. The design relates to me, because I love animals and bright colours. Which is why I thought a bright sky would work well for the background and I decided on a bumble bee because I personally think it would work well with the background and their cute, as strange as it might sound.
With the help from seminars classes and YouTube, I began producing my animation. There were a few ups and downs along the way, such as timing and pressing buttons I shouldn’t have pressed but in the end I was happy with my animation. The next step was to add sound using Adobe Premiere Pro. Sound is very important, especially for an animation or it could lose the audiences interest.
You could say the genre for my ident is for children so it could be classed as adventure, but when people watch my ident I assume they would most likely think it was for a cartoon TV channel or something similar.
I also use semiotics, this is the title of the TV channel ‘ADB’ and I also have a sign at the end which comes into the scene which says ‘Press red now’. I use different camera angles and animations to create them visually throughout the ident.



3D Studio MaxTutorials

My Station Ident (without sound):


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.