
15:48 0 Comments

Over the past two weeks I have researched sound design and thought about what techniques we could use within our film called 'Ticket'. Our film is about a girl (Lisa) who seems to sit at a bus stop/bench for a long period of time day after day. Then one day a boy (Sam) starts talking to her and she seems to know a lot about this boy. So, overall we have decided that Lisa's character is quite shy, quirky but intelligent and Sam's character is quite popular and out going. The main ambience we want to create for the audience is romance, however we want to make sure it keeps the viewers interested throughout. An idea I have for this is flash-backs of her or his past which shows why they have opposite personalities or even flash-backs to how Lisa knows so much about Sam.

As I am the sound designer, I have been looking into what sounds would suit the type of mood we want to create. Sound is ideal, as it is an important factor to create the atmosphere. Since romance is our focus point, I have looked at music from other films used to set the mood.

I would also like to create synchronous sound effects such as, the sound of opening a fizzy drink I.E. recorded the sound separately and overlay onto the film. Another idea is, Lisa or Sam might have earphones in their ears listening to music. Therefore the music could be edited onto the film so the audience can hear what he or she is listening to. It could then possibly flip to the other person talking, which means you would hear the music only slightly and hear the other person speaking. These are all synchronous effects. Asynchronous sound effects could be used when Lisa is sat on the bench I.E. traffic noises, as though it would be coming from where the camera is filming.

I have been assigned to write a sound treatment for my role as the sound designer. I have many ideas for the sound, however when we plan the scenes out clearly I will be able to write a description on the sound techniques scene by scene, as it depends on the location. In our group discussion on Friday (21stJan), we will plan out a detailed plan of each scene and give every member of the group a copy, which then means I can get started on practicing recording sounds and using the equipment.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.